Monday, January 11, 2010

DNR Proposed Lake Water Quality Standards

The Iowa DNR is is proposing a rule that sets water quality criteria necessary to protect for recreational uses in lakes. In summary, the rule contains two criteria: Secchi depth of at least one meter and chlorophyll-a not to exceed 25 ug/l. The two criteria must be met at least 75% of the time in order for the lake to be considered to support recreation such as swimming.

The proposed rule 61.3(4) requires that water sampling used to determine whether a lake meets the transparency and chlorophyll-a criteria meet the following:
(1) A minimum of nine sample results are required.
(2) At least three of the samples must be taken from the deepest part of the lake.
(3) All samples must be taken during the months of May through September.
(4) At least three sampling events must be conducted in any one summer recreation season.
(5) Samples must be taken in at least three summer seasons in a five-consecutive-year period.

The DNR is holding several public meetings across Iowa to take comments from the public on a rule. In addition, written comments will be accepted through January 23, 2010.

Caltha LLP provides expert environmental consultant services in Iowa to obtain environmental permits, evaluate regulatory requirements, and to develop cost effective compliance programs.

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