Types of facilities are eligible for the one year extension include:
Onshore oil production, farms, electric utility plants, petroleum refining and related industries, chemical manufacturing, food manufacturing, manufacturing facilities using and storing animal fats and vegetable oils, metal and other manufacturing, real estate rental and leasing, retail trade, contract construction, wholesale trade, other commercial, transportation, arts entertainment & recreation, other services (except public administration), petroleum bulk stations and terminals, education, hospitals & other health care, accommodation and food services, fuel oil dealers, gasoline stations, information finance and insurance, mining, warehousing and storage, religious organizations, military installations, and government facilities.
In summary, the rule would extend the date by which the owners or operators of certain facilities must prepare or amend and implement an SPCC plan until November 10, 2011. The amendment also would delay the compliance date by which facilities must address milk and milk product containers that are constructed according to the current applicable 3-A sanitary standards, and subject to the current applicable grade “A” pasteurized milk ordinance (PMO) or a state dairy regulatory requirement equivalent to the current applicable PMO until one year after EPA finalizes a rule for these facilities.
Caltha LLP assists private and public clients in Iowa in meeting SPCC Rule and SPCC Plan requirements. To request further information or request a quote, go to Caltha Quote Web Page.
For further information contact Caltha LLP at info@calthacompany.com or Caltha LLP Website